
Provide IO support, included stream operations and IO constant


  typedef builtin size_t;
    Integer type representing size

  typedef builtin FILE;
    Type representing file

  typedef FILE File;
    Type representing file

  typedef builtin fpos_t;
    Type representing file stream position


  int printf(char *format, ... arg1);
    Print format, replace % in argument table value

  int scanf(char *format, ... arg1);
    Scan stdin, % will fill argument table variable

  char* gets(char *toString);
    Scan a line, fill toString

  int getchar();
    Read next character in stdin

  int putchar(int char);
    Print char to stdout

  int puts(char *string);
    Print string to stdout

  FILE* fopen(char *file, char *mode);
    Open disk file using specified mode, in this app you only can open .txt file in project

  void fclose(FILE *file);
    Close file stream

  void fflush(FILE *file);
    Flush file stream

  void fputc(char ch, FILE *file);
    Print ch to file

  char fgetc(FILE *file);
    Scan ch from file

  void putc(char ch, FILE *file);
    Scan ch from file

  char getc(FILE *file);
    Scan ch from file

  int fsetpos(FILE *file, fpos_t *pos);
    Set the stream position for file stream

  int fgetpos(FILE *file, fpos_t *pos);
    Get the stream position for file stream

  int feof(FILE *file);
    Get is the stream position is end of file

  int fprintf(FILE *file, char *format, ... arg1);
    Print format to file, replace % in argument table value

  int fscanf(FILE *file, char *format, ... arg1);
    Scan file, % will fill argument table variable

  size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

  size_t fwrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

  void rewind(FILE *stream);
    Set the stream position to first position

  long ftell(FILE *stream);
    Returns the position of given stream

  char fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream);
    Scan a line from file, fill toString

  int sprintf(char *ToPrint, char *Format, ... arg1);
    Print to string

  int snprintf(char *ToPrint, int Sizeof_ToPrint, char *Format, ... arg1);
    Print to string, tell the program string buffer size to avoid write out of bounds

  int sscanf(char *arg1, char *arg2, ... arg3);
    Scan variables in string, behavior like scanf, but doesn't scan stream, instead of scan given string.


  builtin NULL;
    Representing null pointer or integer 0

  builtin EOF;
    Character representing end of file

  FILE* stdin;
    Representing standard input stream (Terminal input file)

  FILE* stdout;
    Representing standard output stream (Terminal output file)

  FILE* stderr;
    Representing standard error stream (Terminal output file), alias to stdout in this App





  typedef builtin size_t;

  typedef builtin FILE;

  typedef FILE File;

  typedef builtin fpos_t;


  int printf(char *format, ... arg1);

  int scanf(char *format, ... arg1);

  char* gets(char *toString);

  int getchar();

  int putchar(int char);

  int puts(char *string);

  FILE* fopen(char *file, char *mode);

  void fclose(FILE *file);

  void fflush(FILE *file);

  void fputc(char ch, FILE *file);

  char fgetc(FILE *file);

  void putc(char ch, FILE *file);

  char getc(FILE *file);

  int fsetpos(FILE *file, fpos_t *pos);

  int fgetpos(FILE *file, fpos_t *pos);

  int feof(FILE *file);

  int fprintf(FILE *file, char *format, ... arg1);

  int fscanf(FILE *file, char *format, ... arg1);

  size_t fread(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

  size_t fwrite(void *ptr, size_t size, size_t nmemb, FILE *stream);

  void rewind(FILE *stream);

  long ftell(FILE *stream);

  char fgets(char *str, int n, FILE *stream);

  int sprintf(char *ToPrint, char *Format, ... arg1);

  int snprintf(char *ToPrint, int Sizeof_ToPrint, char *Format, ... arg1);

  int sscanf(char *arg1, char *arg2, ... arg3);


  builtin NULL;

  builtin EOF;

  FILE* stdin;

  FILE* stdout;

  FILE* stderr;